Spring Clean Your Life Workshop

R 3,500.00
R 1,500.00

Email For More Info - info@seheiki-co.com

We know. Sometimes too much “stuff” can fill up our lives and drain our energy. Not only that, it’s not just “stuff” that makes us feel overwhelmed. Often it’s a combination of having too many tasks and commitments or spending too much time with difficult people (and not enough with those who support and inspire us).

We cover your current manifestation of reality. In order to "Spring Clean" your lives, we need to understand where your life is draining you.

We will also take a deep dive into understanding specifically who or what is draining your energy. This often can include tasks that you have been procrastinating on and end up hanging over you.

We set you up for success, finally! We do this by getting clear on how you would like your life to be. We follow this up by fully committing to letting go of the things that drain you and implement the new habits that support you!

We wrap up this Spring Clean Your Life Workshop with a neat exercise that identifies your top 3 goals that will help you keep your life to squeaky clean.

This workshop is for those who are looking to learn how to simply enjoy their lives with a fresh new burst of energy!

Contact us for more info on the details of the next workshop.